I started this Substack a few years ago when I was suing the NYS Heath Dept in federal court over Covid regulations to share some of my legal arguments. I brought my action pro se, (without legal counsel), even though I had been a practicing attorney for 5 years in the early 1980s.
I retired from the practice on Jan. 1, 1986, and even when I did have my shingle out, I was in no way a litigator and certainly not in federal court. Like many who sought to rein in the abuses of state regulations in that dark time, my case was thrown out on the issue of standing. Apparently no one has standing in federal court to stop the slow creep of individual state-sponsored tyranny into our lives.
After retiring from the law, I had a difficult and ultimately ruinous career as a small-town newspaper publisher from 1989-2007. During that time I came to realize that the percentage of people who are willing and able to read was diminishing with each generation as the Internet began to take over.
That’s the reason I decided to start a YouTube (and Rumble) channel two years ago. I thought that, not only was print dead, but that reading was pretty much being replaced by video. Although that remains true for the many who are addicted to ever shorter forms of communication on TikTok and other social media, I have recently been encouraged to find that longer-form writing still thrives on a few online free speech outposts such as Substack.
What I had not realized going into YouTube was how tight the censorship bounds would be on free speech. I have experienced outright removal of some of my videos, as well as the more insidious shadow banning and throttling of them so that it is impossible to get significant views when you cover certain topics.
As I said in a previous Substack essay on the importance of supporting Rumble, “YouTube has 6 ways from Sunday of getting even with you.” As a case in point, I recently did a video reaction to Biden’s “State of (Dis) Union” address. After 3 days, I have had 55 views on YouTube (and about 45 on Rumble.) Not exactly setting the world on fire when you consider that some of my non-political music reaction videos get 1,000s of views on YouTube.
But then an interesting thing happened. I wrote a short Substack essay basically making the same points that I had made in my 19-minute video, mainly to promote the video. Within a few days, that column had more views than both video channels combined! As a promotion for the video it was a failure, as only a few people clicked through to watch. As a column, however, it was more successful, getting me a few new subs.
All of this is by way of a long-winded introduction to another promotional essay for a video the subject of which may also be of interest to those who prefer to read: my analysis of the JFK Assassination. Last November, in commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of that “Dark Day in Dallas,” I did my longest reaction video ever, a 55-minute analysis of Bob Dylan’s 2020 masterpiece “Murder most foul.”
In the video I shared my current views on an event that I have studied for most of those 60 years. It would be no exaggeration to say that I have been obsessed with the case ever since it happened when I was 12 years old. I have read dozens of books, watched hundreds of videos and scoured online sources of information.
For those who don’t want to sit through a 55-minute video, I will state my conclusions here: I believe that, far from being a murderer, Lee Harvey Oswald was a patriot who had been working for our intelligence services ever since he was recruited out of the Marines in 1959– and further that it was those same shadowy intelligence players who planned the murder and framed him for it.
Oswald was sent to Russia as part of a secret CIA program to send false defectors into the Soviet Union in an age when satellite and electronic eavesdropping was practically non-existent. The proof of that was how easily he was able to return to the US after the end of his tour of duty, even though he had originally stated that he was renouncing his citizenship. In fact, his travel expenses to return were covered by the State Department.
His subsequent activities in the US were not those of a person who was considered a security risk. He was hired in 1962 by Jagger Chiles Stovall, a Dallas graphic arts company that also did photographic work for the military including creating aerial maps of Cuba.
In 1963, Oswald moved back to his native New Orleans and became very visible as apparently the only member of the local chapter of the “Fair Play for Cuba” Committee. Curiously, he worked out of the same office building as Guy Bannister, a former head of the Chicago FBI office, and a rabid anti-Communist.
It seems clear that, in the words of Sen. Richard Schweiker, a member of the Church Committee that investigated the CIA in the 1970s, “Everywhere you look with (Oswald), there are fingerprints of intelligence.”
What the loyal Oswald probably didn’t realize until it was too late, however, was that his handlers were creating a fake background for his biggest role, fall guy for a Presidential assassination. In the slang of intelligence agencies, Oswald was being “sheep-dipped” to create a false identity as a crazed Communist sympathizer. Everything he did, from defecting to Russia, to pretending to be a Castro sympathizer, to his legendary fake trip to the Russian Embassy in Mexico City shortly before the assassination were intended to create the appearance of the “perfect patsy.”
What actually happened in Mexico in the fall of 1963 is the Rosetta Stone of the conspiracy. Whether Oswald ever actually went to Mexico is the subject of some doubt. That he was never in the highly-surveilled Cuban and Russian Embassies as claimed, seems beyond doubt.
After the assassination it was claimed that Oswald had both visited and called the Russian Embassy a number of times and had even met with suspected KGB agent Valeriy Kostikov, who was in charge of “wet work” (assassinations) in the Western Hemisphere. The only problem with this story is that the pictures and voice recordings produced by the CIA of the man claimed to be Oswald were not a match.
This is really the smoking gun of intelligence agency involvement and pre-knowledge of the assassination. What possible reason could there be for a faked visit to these embassies, other than to further sheep-dip and frame Oswald so that the upcoming assassination could be blamed on Cuba and Russia?
What the motive for this fakery was is not entirely clear. It’s possible that the Deep State wanted to implicate Russia and Cuba in the upcoming assassination so that they could make the Cold War go hot. After all, the Joint Chiefs had not given up the idea of invading Cuba to remove Castro, and even a 1st nuclear strike against Russia was under active consideration at that time. Dr. Strangelove was not entirely fiction!
Although perhaps cooler heads prevailed on those strategies, it is also clear that implying a possible Russian involvement became very useful in implementing a cover-up of the crime. LBJ coerced Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren and others into serving on the Warren Commission by telling them that, if the truth ever got out about Russian involvement, it could lead to World War III.
The message from the President and FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was clear: Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone nut assassin and to dig any deeper would be dangerous to the National Security. Just to be sure the Warren Commission didn’t stray from their assigned mission, they were forced to rely solely on FBI investigators, and for good measure, former CIA Director Alan Dulles was added to the Commission to make sure that Oswald’s security fingerprints were kept well-hidden.
This and other subjects are covered in more detail in my video. If you try to watch it on YouTube, however, you will find that access is limited due to “violent images.” Because it contains a few seconds of the Zapruder film, the video has been “age-restricted” which means that in order to watch it you have to have a YouTube account, certify that you are over 18 and click through a warning box.
In addition, “age-restricted” videos do not show up in YouTube searches and do not have a “share” button. Like I say, “6 ways from Sunday!” As a result, the YouTube version has only about 90 views in over 3 months. Luckily I can still post to Rumble without restriction and there I have 75 views.
Any time a video on Rumble has almost as many views as the same one on YouTube that is a Prima facie case of throttling, since YouTube’s reach is about 250 Xs bigger than Rumble’s. Here is the Rumble link if you would like to watch.
P.S. I was inspired to revisit the JFK issue by a Substack post yesterday by Dr. Robert Malone titled,” The Assassination of JFK: A Final Analysis.” Here is a link to that interesting article:
Finally, here is the YouTube link if you must:
Just a few short years ago, I thought we had a government of the people, by the people, for the people. Is it perished? or only on life support? I'll be interested to see how Robert Caro handles this, if the last volume of his unflinching LBJ biography ever comes out.