Just a few short years ago, I thought we had a government of the people, by the people, for the people. Is it perished? or only on life support? I'll be interested to see how Robert Caro handles this, if the last volume of his unflinching LBJ biography ever comes out.

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I think a lot of people have woke up in the last few years to the fact that we are living in a country that is no longer controlled by and for the people. That has caused them to take another look at events like the JFK Assassination and wonder how long the Deep State has been in control?

As for LBJ, he was a bat-shit crazy psychopath and a criminal. I'm not sure if Caro or anybody will ever write a true biography. What would be most revealing is if we could ever get the notes from the psychiatrist who treated him near the end of his life, when the guilt for all he had done finally caught up with him.

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